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它通过后十多年,《负担得起的医疗法案》再一次陷入困境。 There have been plenty of near misses before, including previous Supreme Court appearances and Congressional votes.之前已经有很多险恶的事件,包括之前最高法院的出庭和国会投票。 Yet in the wake of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death, this time around Republicans may finally be successful in undoing the Obama Administration's signature achievement.然而,随着大法官露丝·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)的去世,这次共和党人终于可能成功地消除了奥巴马政府的标志性成就。 Hearings before the Supreme Court最高法院的听证会 计划于10月XNUMX日开始 税法变更是否会使ACA违宪。

ACA可以通过多种方式进行改进, 正如我在其他地方写的。 Yet if the Supreme Court strikes down the ACA,但是,如果最高法院撤销了ACA, 在我看来,不可能进行有意义的替换 华盛顿特区的高游击队员中

结果,如果法院将其杀死,几乎所有美国人都会受到政策逆转的影响,因为 立法文本近1,000页,法规中超过9,000页 已经影响了美国医疗体系的各个部分。

RedFern 卫生政策与政治学者 他在ACA上发表了大量文章,如果最高法院裁定ACA违宪,我认为以下是最明显的影响。



ACA的主要功能之一是将保险扩展到数百万的美国人。 Most of this was achieved through the expansion of the这大部分是通过扩大 医疗补助计划,美国的安全网计划。



超过20百万美国人 如果ACA撤消,将会失去保险。



甚至在COVID-19之前,许多医疗服务提供商,包括医院和诊所 努力保持大门敞开。 This particularly applied to those located in poorer and more rural areas of the country.这尤其适用于位于该国较贫穷和更多农村地区的人们。 Indeed,确实, 自2010年以来大部分时间都在医院关闭 in states that have refused to expand their Medicaid program, like Texas and Alabama.在那些拒绝扩大医疗补助计划的州,例如德克萨斯州和阿拉巴马州。 These pressures would be gravely exacerbated with millions of Americans losing coverage.随着数以百万计的美国人失去保险,这些压力将更加严重。 停业影响所有社区成员,无论他们是否有保险,因为居民无法获得医院和专家的服务。


在ACA成为法律之前,许多美国人 他们去购买保险时经常拒绝。 The insurance carriers deemed them too much of a financial risk due to their “pre-existing conditions.”保险公司因其“既有条件”而认为他们承担了过多的财务风险。

Before passage of the ACA, this practice was subject to a confusing mix of state and federal laws, regulations and enforcement.在ACA通过之前,这种做法受到州和联邦法律,法规和执法机构的混淆。 Insurers developed lists of保险公司制定了清单 状况,药物或职业 这将导致自动拒绝保险。

These “declinable conditions” including diverse issues ranging from substance abuse to acne.这些“疾病状况”包括从滥用毒品到痤疮的各种问题。 Many insurers also refused to cover victims of许多保险公司还拒绝承保 强奸45个州 allowed the practice for C-sections.允许练习剖腹产。 In total, a congressional report found that总的来说,一份国会报告发现 425个医疗诊断 已经被用来降低覆盖率。

It seems likely that exposure to COVID-19 would now also fall into this category.现在看来,接触COVID-XNUMX的可能性似乎也属于此类。 And, it's far from certain whether so-called COVID long haulers would be covered.而且,不确定是否涵盖了所谓的COVID长途运输车。


Prior to the ACA, it was generally up to each state to determine what benefits insurance ought to cover.在ACA之前,通常要由每个州来决定保险应涵盖的利益。 States differed widely in terms of comprehensiveness.在全面性方面,各国差异很大。 Many did not require prescription drugs or well-child visits to be included.许多人不需要处方药或带好孩子的探望服务。 For example,例如, 个体市场中有62%的人缺乏产妇覆盖,而34%的人缺乏药物滥用障碍治疗.

ACA通常要求覆盖范围包括至少一组 基本健康益处。 It also required that还要求 预防服务 例如免费接种疫苗或进行健康就诊,而无需支付任何自付费用。

同样重要的是,取消了ACA 年度和终生保险限额 that insurers commonly imposed.保险公司通常强加的。 These restrictions often confused consumers and left them on the hook for large charges when they got sick and exceeded the limits.这些限制常常使消费者感到困惑,当他们生病并超出限制时,他们会被要求收取大笔费用。


One of the biggest ways America's seniors would be affected by the undoing of the ACA would be increases in prescription drug costs.取消ACA会影响美国老年人的最大方法之一就是处方药成本的增加。 Each year, about 5 million of them experience a coverage gap.每年,其中约有XNUMX万人经历覆盖缺口。 This这个 臭名昭著的Medicare D部分“炸弹孔”,ACA决定将其关闭,该规定要求老年人在一定金额后承担全部处方药费用,直到达到一定的门槛。


早期退休人员年龄太小,无法获得医疗保险资格 will find it virtually impossible to obtain insurance coverage on their own.会发现几乎不可能自己获得保险。 Those with pre-existing conditions would be turned down by the insurance carrier.那些已有条件的人将被保险公司拒绝。 Most others would face prohibitively high premiums due to their age.由于年龄的关系,大多数其他人将面临过高的保费。

取消ACA也将消除 增加高收入者的工资税,从而稳定了Medicare信托基金。 This raises new concerns about the long-term viability of the entire program.这引起了对整个程序的长期生存能力的新关注。


While the public is focused on the current pandemic, an opioid epidemic has ravaged the nation for years.当公众关注当前的大流行时,阿片类药物的流行已经肆虐全国数年。 It will also likely long outlast the impact of COVID-19, as由于COVID-XNUMX的影响很可能会长久存在,因为 超过20千万的美国人上瘾。 The effects are enormous and效果是巨大的 渗透到美国社区。 ACA通过向他们提供医疗保险,使成千上万的美国人获得关键的治疗。

同样重要的是 ACA的基本健康福利 provisions required policies sold in the individual market to cover addiction and mental health services.条款要求在个人市场上销售的政策必须涵盖成瘾和心理健康服务。 As mentioned before, it also eliminated annual and lifetime limits on如前所述,它还取消了年度和终身限制 这些好处.


很少有群体像美国女性那样从ACA中受益匪浅,他们获得了更好的承保范围和访问权限。 Importantly, the uninsurance rate for women重要的是,妇女的未保险率 大幅下降,从ACA之前的17% 到11%.

Reduction in uninsurance were particularly pronounced for Hispanic women and those with low socio-economic status.对于西班牙裔妇女和社会经济地位较低的妇女,减少未保险现象尤为明显。 Both groups saw reductions by 10 percentage points两组都减少了XNUMX个百分点 至22%和21%

Moreover, the practice of charging women higher premiums solely based on their gender was banned.此外,禁止仅根据性别向妇女收取更高保费的做法。 Before the ACA, in most states it was even common to在ACA之前,在大多数州, 向男性吸烟者收取的费用比女性不吸烟者少 通过ACA之前的保险范围,以说明女性医疗保健水平更高。

妇女也从中受益匪浅。 消除自付费用 提供乳房X光检查,妇女探访,家庭和人际暴力筛查和咨询等预防服务。

事实证明,已有的条件保护对女性尤其重要,因为它们 不再被拒绝承保 因剖腹产,乳腺癌或宫颈癌的幸存者,或因家庭暴力或性暴力而接受治疗的人。

ACA还确保妇女得到保障 怀孕,产妇和新生儿护理的承保范围 现在已经涵盖了预防和产前服务 免费。 Similarly, insurers are now required to provide new mothers with同样,现在要求保险公司向新妈妈提供 提取母乳的设备和支持服务 这样做。

Finally, the ACA also supports women in planning their families by eliminating out-of-pocket costs for contraceptive services.最后,ACA还通过消除自付费用提供避孕服务来支持妇女计划家庭。 This reduced the number of women without such benefits这减少了没有这种福利的妇女人数 超过20%至3%.


煤矿工人及其家庭 will also experience a significant reduction in benefits if the ACA is reversed in court.如果ACA在法庭上被撤销,其福利也将大大减少。 A一种 鲜为人知的规定 ACA中的规定极大地便利了受多年接触煤尘影响的矿工获得福利,如今他们正遭受 黑肺病。 These benefits would be eliminated with the ACA.这些好处将通过ACA消除。 Of course, it would also affect eligibility for many miners with regard to Medicaid and the ACA marketplaces.当然,这也将影响许多矿工在医疗补助和ACA市场方面的资格。谈话


公共政策助理教授Simon F. Haeder, 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学

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