图片由 格德阿尔特曼


我们的书, 你的自我交响曲 presents many stories about individuals and their situations as well as some fairly deep dives into language, culture, philosophy, religion, psychology (of course), neuroscience, postmodernism, and more.展示了许多有关个人及其处境的故事,并对语言,文化,哲学,宗教,心理学(当然),神经科学,后现代主义等进行了相当深入的探讨。 Tying together all of this is a widespread understanding—visible nearly everywhere, really—that each of us is or can be a healthy multiplicity of selves, working together more or less well.将所有这些结合在一起是一种广泛的理解(实际上几乎在任何地方都可以看到),即我们每个人都是或可以是一个健康的自我多样性,或多或少地相互合作。


One of the concepts that has proved most useful to readers—and, in all honesty, to ourselves personally as we developed the book—is learning how to enhance the capacity to move into the right part of ourselves for any given situation.事实证明,对于读者(最诚实的是,对我们自己而言,对我们自己而言)在我们编写本书时最有用的概念之一就是学习如何增强在任何给定情况下进入正确的部分的能力。 To achieve and remain in good mental health, we need to learn how to be “in the right mind at the right time.”为了实现并保持良好的心理健康,我们需要学习如何“在正确的时间以正确的心态”。 

When you have this understanding, you will find that it immediately improves your understanding of yourself and others.当您有了这种了解时,您会发现它会立即增进您对自己和他人的了解。 It may even save your life, which is why we will shortly turn to a remarkable moment in the life of a remarkable man and how his well-developed ability to shift into the right self made all the difference.它甚至可以挽救您的生命,这就是为什么我们不久将转向一个非凡男人的非凡时刻,以及他向右自我转变的成熟能力如何使一切变得如此。

Parenthetically, describing someone as having multiple selves was accepted in early psychology and, indeed, was somewhat central to the early understanding both of normal consciousness and of psychopathology.附带说明,在早期心理学中将某人描述为具有多个自我,的确在早期理解正常意识和心理病理学方面处于中心地位。 The father of American psychology, William James, clearly depicted all human beings as having different “social selves.”美国心理学之父威廉·詹姆斯(William James)清楚地描述了所有人类具有不同的“社会自我”。


威廉·詹姆斯(William James)也因其“思想似乎包含了心理实体的联盟”而闻名。 自我的交响曲 不仅回顾了詹姆斯所说的话,而且还考虑了其​​他数十位心理学家,科学家,作家,艺术家,哲学家的作品,以及有关健康多重性的更多著作。

(“让我[詹姆斯·法迪曼](James Fadiman)说来很尴尬,但是即使在对七个版本进行了七个修订之后,其掩盖性仍然非常好,以至于我几乎完全错过了它。”)


You may be surprised to find that a wide range of people—from some of the best-known rock stars, to the most studied philosophers, to the most important neuroscientists—all agree that an understanding and appreciation of your selves is to your obvious advantage.您可能会惊讶地发现,从一些最著名的摇滚明星,到研究最多的哲学家,再到最重要的神经科学家,范围广泛的人都同意,对自己的理解和欣赏对您明显有利。 。 Nearly everyone we feature in the book—of whom there are many—agrees that people really do have different selves and really do “embrace a confederation of psychic entities.”我们书中介绍的几乎每个人(其中有很多人)都同意人们确实确实拥有不同的自我,并且确实做到了“拥抱精神实体联合会”。

The reason that we have the ability to change from one self to another is that it improves our survival in general;我们之所以能够从一个自我变成另一个自我,是因为它总体上提高了我们的生存能力。 it improves our relationships;它改善了我们的关系; and it has serious positive effects on our health.对我们的健康有严重的积极影响。 Most parents, for example, can recall a moment in the raising of their children when there was an immediate and even potentially life-threatening danger.例如,大多数父母可以回忆起抚养孩子的那一刻,那里存在立即甚至可能危及生命的危险。 If you've experienced such a moment, you found that you needed to be in a self that was, on the one hand, able to calm a frightened child and, on the other hand, able to snatch them from a dangerous situation—sometimes with a speed and strength you did not know you had.如果您经历了这样的片刻,您会发现自己需要处于一种自我中,一方面能够使受惊的孩子平静下来,另一方面又能够将他们从危险情况中夺走-有时以您不知道的速度和力量。


Could just such a switch actually save your own life?这样的开关真的可以挽救自己的生命吗? There is a remarkable example quoted in a wonderful recent book by John Kaag, where he describes a moment in the life of the famous naturalist John Muir:约翰·卡格(John Kaag)近期在其精彩著作中引用了一个非凡的例子,其中他描述了著名博物学家约翰·缪尔(John Muir)的一生:

“After gaining a point about half-way to the top,” Muir recalled, “I was suddenly brought to a dead stop, with arms outspread, clinging close to the face of the rock, unable to move hand or foot either up or down.”缪尔回忆说:“在到达最高点的一半后,我突然陷入僵局,双臂伸开,紧贴岩石表面,无法上下移动手或脚。” This was the crux, according to Muir.根据Muir的说法,这才是关键。

“我的厄运似乎是固定的。 I must fall.我必须跌倒。 There would be a moment of bewilderment, and then a lifeless rumble down the one general precipice to the glacier below.会有一阵困惑,然后一阵死气沉沉的扑向下面的冰川。 When this final danger flashed up on me, I became nerve-shaken for the first time since setting foot in the mountains, and my mind seemed to fill with a stifling smoke.”当这种最后的危险向我闪过时,我踏上山峰以来第一次感到神经nerve,心中似乎充满了窒息的烟雾。”

As my (JF) daughter once wrote me while living in a tiny village in a mountainous area of a South American rainforest, “Remember, because I'm writing you this letter, you will know that I lived.”正如我(JF)的女儿曾经在一个南美雨林山区的一个小村庄里写给我的那样,“记住,因为我是在给你写这封信,所以你会知道我住的。” So too, we have the above description from John Muir because he survived.同样,我们也有约翰·缪尔(John Muir)的上述描述,因为他幸免于难。 The very precariousness of his situation brought about a shift in his selves.他处境的可危使他的自我发生了转变。 Here is how he described what next occurred:这是他描述接下来发生的事情:

“这次可怕的蚀只持续了片刻,那时。 。 。 I seemed suddenly to become possessed of a new sense.我似乎突然变得拥有一种新的感觉。 The other self—instinct, or Guardian Angel, call it what you will—came forward and assumed control.”另一个自我(本能,或守护天使)称呼您,将前进并承担控制权。”

几分钟前因恐惧而冻结自己的身体的自我似乎消失了,取而代之的是他所谓的“另一个自我”。 请注意,在他的描述中,并没有实际的魔术般的外部影响-除了隐喻之外,没有外部的守护天使-但是,可以肯定的是,他在正确的时间找到了正确的头脑。


“我颤抖的肌肉再次变得坚硬,岩石上的所有裂痕和裂痕都可以通过显微镜观察到。 My limbs moved with a positiveness and precision with which I seem to have nothing at all to do.我的四肢积极而精准地移动着,而我似乎根本无事可做。 Had I been born aloft upon wings, my deliverance could not have been more complete.”如果我高高地出生,那么我的救助再完美不过了。”

幸运的是,对缪尔(Muir)以及他的遗产美国国家公园系统(American National Parks system)来说,他的那部分人知道何时,如何出来接管。

If Muir had “nothing at all to do” with moving himself forward in a positive confident way that prevented a fall, then who was it that was doing it?如果Muir以完全自信的方式向前迈进以防止跌倒,“与他无关”,那么到底是谁在做呢? If the “I” who he was had become “nerve shaken,” then who, exactly, was the “I” that took over and knew exactly what to do?如果他的“我”已经变得“神经质动摇”,那么“我”究竟是谁接管了并确切地知道该怎么做?

也许一个更重要的问题是: 形成一种 did he do it?他做到了吗? And why didn't he know that he could do it from the start?他为什么不知道他从一开始就可以做到呢? 

Unfortunately, this is not a question that can be answered in a few sentences.不幸的是,这不是一个可以用几句话回答的问题。 It took us the better part of a chapter in our book to fully flesh it out.我们花了本书一章的大部分时间来充实它。 Let us just say here that we find in the most successful people a heightened ability to switch selves when doing so is called for.让我们在这里说,我们需要在最成功的人中找到提高自我切换能力。 We discuss and illustrate, with a number of somewhat less terrifying examples, what that looks like in more ordinary situations and how awareness and practice can make it second nature for any of us.我们用一些不太可怕的例子来讨论和说明,在更普通的情况下看起来是什么样子,以及意识和实践如何使其成为我们所有人的第二天性。


Until you know you have different selves—that they are real, have innate value, and often demonstrate their own agendas and capacities—you can't really work well with them.除非您知道自己各不相同-他们是真实的,具有与生俱来的价值,并且经常展示自己的议程和能力,否则您将无法真正与他们合作。 Until you know you're a symphony, you can't orchestrate the players.除非您知道自己是交响曲,否则就无法编排演奏者。 Until you know you're a team, you can't play to win.除非您知道自己是一支团队,否则您就无法赢得比赛。

直到您认识到并允许您生活中的其他人可能不会这样的事实为止,事实上, 不会—当他们与您在一起时,总是表现出最佳和最合适的自我,当他们的问题之一或功能失调的自我之一以错误的方式摩擦您时,您更有可能做出反应。



除了意识,这里没有真正的魔术。 Most of us have been told for so long that everyone must have a single self—and that if you don't, you're in deep trouble—that we have forgotten (or never learned) there is another (and far more obvious and effective) option.我们大多数人已经被告知这么久了,每个人都必须拥有一个自我-如果您没有,那您​​就陷入了严重的麻烦-我们已经忘记(或从未学习过),还有另外一个(而且更加明显,有效)选项。 That option is to simply question the Single Self Assumption, as we call it.该选项只是质疑我们所称的单一自我假设。

See for yourself what happens if you start playing with the idea that you can consciously learn to shift into your best self on any occasion.You can make plans for how to do this.亲眼看看如果您开始玩这样的想法,即您可以在任何情况下有意识地学习成为最佳自我的想法,会发生什么。您可以制定计划来做到这一点。 You can practice doing this ahead of time in your mind.您可以提前练习练习此操作。 And you can simply imagine—in real time or as close to it as you can manage—that you are the kind of person who just您可以简单地(实时或尽其所能)想象一下,您就是那种 知道 how to do this.这个怎么做。 And then, in the nick of time, you'll do it.然后,在极短的时间内,您会做到的。

我们学到的东西以及我们为什么写书的原因是 当您知道自己和其他所有人都有自我时,生活会变得更有意义,工作会更好。 All you need to start experiencing this—whatever level you're already at—is to start with the idea that there's more to you (and each of us) than we have been told, and that there might be a simpler, more logical, and more effective way of seeing and dealing with each other.不管您已经处于何种水平,开始体验这一点的全部工作就是从这样一个想法开始:对您(以及我们每个人)来说,比我们被告知的要多的东西,而且可能会有更简单,更合乎逻辑的,以及更有效的彼此见面和相处的方式。

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James Fadiman博士and Jordan Gruber, JD和JD的Jordan Gruber

Your Symphony of Selves: Discover and Understand More of Who We Are by James Fadiman Ph.D.您的自我交响曲:发现和了解我们是James Fadiman博士。 and Jordan Gruber, JD和JD的Jordan GruberOffering groundbreaking insight into the dynamic nature of personality, James Fadiman and Jordan Gruber show that each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves.”詹姆斯·法迪曼(James Fadiman)和乔丹·格鲁伯(Jordan Gruber)对人格的动态本质提供了开创性的见解,表明我们每个人都是由截然不同,自治且内在地有价值的“自我”组成。 They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working.他们还表明,尊重每个自我都是改善生活,爱心和工作方式的关键。

欲了解更多信息或订购此书, 点击此处. (也可作为有声书和Kindle版本。)


詹姆斯·法迪曼(James Fadiman),博士詹姆斯·法迪曼(James Fadiman),博士, with degrees from Harvard and Stanford, was the president of two companies, taught at four universities, is an international seminar leader, and has written textbooks, trade books, and novels.拥有哈佛和斯坦福大学的学位,曾任两家公司的总裁,在四所大学任教,是国际研讨会的负责人,并撰写过教科书,贸易书籍和小说。 Consulting clients have included IBM, Hewlett-Packard, a Federal Reserve bank, and Foster's Freeze.咨询客户包括IBM,惠普,美联储银行和Foster's Freeze。 He is one of the foremost researchers in microdosing studies and is a co-founder of Sophia University.他是微剂量研究中最重要的研究人员之一,也是索菲亚大学的联合创始人。 He has been researching healthy multiplicity for over 20 years.他从事健康多样性研究已有XNUMX多年了。 詹姆斯·法迪曼(James Fadiman)的书籍

约旦格鲁伯(JD)约旦格鲁伯(JD),作家,协作作家,幽灵作家和编辑,在法证法,金融服务和自我发展方面伪造并雕刻了权威著作。 A graduate of Binghamton University and the University of Virginia School of Law, he founded the Enlightenment.com website and is now a leading advocate of rebound exercise through the SuperBound Project.他毕业于宾厄姆顿大学和弗吉尼亚大学法学院,创建了Enlightenment.com网站,现在是通过SuperBound项目进行反弹运动的主要倡导者。 JD乔丹·格鲁伯(Jordan Gruber)的书

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视频/与Jim Fadiman的演讲(在全球超人研讨会上):礼物!
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