图片由 亚伦 

Movies that suck for an hour then end well are remembered as good movies.吸了一个小时然后结局很好的电影被认为是好电影。 Those that are decent for an hour but suck at the end take their place in history as bad movies.那些像样的一个小时但最后却糟透了的电影在历史上已成为劣质电影。 So, how is your life going to end?那么,你的生活将如何结束?

Most of us don't give death much thought until it intrudes, sometimes without warning.我们中的大多数人在死亡入侵之前没有多加思考,有时甚至没有警告。 The phone rings at three am Oh oh.电话在凌晨三点响起。


I once climbed a 40-foot pole then leapt for a zip line, missed it, and slowly descended back to earth in my safety harness, reflecting that I'd aimed too low.我曾经爬过XNUMX英尺高的杆,然后跳上一条滑索,错过了它,然后用安全吊带慢慢降落到地面,反映出我的目标太低了。 My weight dragged me down.我的体重把我拖了下来。 I didn't get another shot at it but if I had I would have aimed higher and dropped down onto the line.我没有再被击中,但是如果有的话,我会瞄准更高的位置并跌落下来。


I'll die in about twenty years, absent an accident, health incident, or a pardon (getting out early for good behavior).我会死于大约二十年,没有发生事故,健康事故或赦免(早日康复,因为行为良好)。 I'm looking forward to it.我对此很期待。 I've discovered my purpose, I'm living it, and I'm already proud of the legacy I'll leave behind – at least a few people more aware and able to create their future with intention, choices, and behaviors.我发现了我的目标,我正在实现它,并且我已经为我将要留下的遗产而感到自豪-至少有一些人更清楚地知道并能够用意图,选择和行为来创造自己的未来。

从那时起,我将成长为The Noon Club,编写更多书籍,与朋友和客户交流技巧和喜悦,并继续学习如何成为一名有效的有远见的积极分子。







It's a fascinating exercise.这是一个有趣的练习。 I first did this twenty years ago and have visited my death spot a dozen or more times.我二十年前第一次这样做,已经去过我的死地十多次。 I sit quietly, close my eyes, and flow forward to the moment, experience the feeling I anticipate – deep peace and gratitude – and let myself gently float away.我安静地坐着,闭上眼睛,向前走,直到那一刻,体会到我所期待的感觉–深刻的和平与感激–让我自己轻轻地飘开。


I don't fear death any more.我不再害怕死亡。 I'm curious and captivated by the mystery.我很好奇,被这个迷住了。 I've accepted the inevitable and turned it into an adventure to anticipate rather than a catastrophe to deny.我已经接受了不可避免的情况,并将其变成了冒险,而不是否认的灾难。

I am aiming high, so I can drop down in that moment to grab the thread that will pull me into the next level of my life game.我的目标很高,因此我可以在那一刻下降以抓住将我带入人生游戏新境界的线索。 How do I do that?我怎么做? With an attitude I call “serial grandiosity.”我以一种态度称呼“连胜”。

Of course we will have over one million members in the Noon Club by May 1, 2025. Absolutely, consciousness will tip mightily at noon Pacific time that day.当然,到XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日,我们将在Noon俱乐部拥有超过一百万的会员。绝对地,意识将在当天太平洋时间中午急剧消失。 In that magic moment, the world will change drastically.在那神奇的时刻,世界将发生巨大变化。

I have no idea if any of this will happen.我不知道这是否会发生。 How could I?我怎么能? It's not May 1, 2025 yet.还不是XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日。 But it is a great destination to aim for.但这是一个理想的目的地。 What's the worst that can happen?可能发生的最坏情况是什么? I could arrive at that moment and … nothing.那一刻我可以到达,……什么也没有。 OK.好。 But, you know, I can't really imagine myself muttering: “Damn, I wasted forty years being happy and sharing love with some of the most amazing people on the planet when I could have been pessimistic and angry.”但是,您知道,我真的无法想象自己喃喃自语:“该死,当我本来悲观和愤怒时,我浪费了XNUMX年的幸福,并与地球上一些最了不起的人分享了爱。”

We can redeem the worst of our lives during the last act and go out remembering, “Wow, I had a GREAT life!”我们可以在上一幕中挽回生命中最糟糕的时刻,然后回想起“哇,我过着很棒的生活!” So, give it some thought.因此,请考虑一下。 What's your end game?你的结局是什么?

版权2020。 天然智慧LLC。


威尔·威尔金森 (Will T. Wilkinson)

中午俱乐部:每天在一分钟内创造未来中午俱乐部是一个免费的成员联盟,每天中午都会集中有意识的力量在人的意识中产生影响。 成员将智能手机设置为中午,然后默默休息或发表简短声明,将爱传递到大众意识的量子世界中。 冥想者降低了89华盛顿特区的犯罪率。 我们能做什么 中午俱乐部? 参与很简单。 只需设置您的智能手机,然后每天中午在中午暂停传输即可。 有关该程序的更新和更多信息,以及与其他成员的联系,请访问 www.noonclub.org .




威尔·威尔金森Will T. Wilkinson 是俄勒冈州阿什兰 Luminary Communications 的高级顾问。 他撰写或合着了七本书,对领先的变革推动者进行了数百次采访,并且正在发展一个有远见的活动家的国际网络。 他也是 中午俱乐部,这是一个免费成员联盟,每天中午都会集中有意识的力量,以对人类意识产生影响。 进一步了解 willtwilkinson.com/

对 Will T. Wilkinson 的音频/采访:您可以每天花一分钟为地球带来和平
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Will T. Wilkinson 的视频:什么是中午俱乐部?
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