如何完美风暴正走向化石燃料资产美国新墨西哥州一座公墓旁边的天然气炼油厂。 图片:Christina Xu通过Flickr



一个独立的智库, 碳追踪倡议 (CTI), says the industry faces “a perfect storm” of factors, including international action to limit global average temperatures to 2?C above their pre-industrial level, and rapid advances in clean technologies.

The CTI report says there will be no need for new coal mines, oil demand will peak around 2020, and growth in gas will disappoint industry expectations if world leaders agree and then implement the policies needed to meet the UN commitment to keep climate change below 2?C ? the threshold agreed by most governments.


下周的 联合国巴黎气候变化会议 将试图达到这样的全球性协议。


该报告警告说:“如果行业通过低估技术和政策的进展来误读未来的需求,这可能导致供应过剩,造成搁浅的资产。 这是股东应该关心的地方。“

CTI研究负责人,报告合着者詹姆斯·莱顿(James Leaton)说:“能源公司很少意识到他们需要减少碳密集产品的供应量,以避免把我们推到国际公认的碳预算之外。

“Clean technology and climate policy are already reducing fossil fuel demand. Misreading these trends will destroy shareholder value. Companies need to apply 2?C stress tests to their business models now.”

美国的金融风险最大,412数十亿美元的不需要的化石燃料项目有可能成为搁浅资产。 其次是加拿大($ 2025十亿),中国($ 220十亿),俄罗斯(十万美元十亿)和澳大利亚(十亿美元十亿)。

The companies that represent the biggest risk to the climate and to their shareholders include oil majors Royal Dutch Shell, Pemex and Exxon Mobil, and coal miners Peabody, Coal India, and Glencore. Around 20%-25% of oil and gas majors’ potential investment is in projects that will not be needed in a 2?C scenario, and cancelling them would mean seeing very little or no growth (known as ex-growth).


该报告审查2035的生产和2025的资本投资。 它警告说,能源公司必须避免产生156十亿吨二氧化碳的项目(156Gt CO2)由2035为了与碳预算相一致 国际能源署 450 demand scenario, which sets out an energy pathway with a 50% chance of meeting the 2?C target.

Mark Fulton, a CTI adviser and co-author of the report, says the group had found that coal had “the most significant overhang of unneeded supply in terms of carbon of all fossil fuels on any scenario. No new mines are needed globally in a 2?C world”.

Carbon Tracker warned last month that big energy companies are ignoring rapid advances in clean technologies ? such as renewables, battery storage and electric cars ? that threaten to undermine their business models.

Carbon Tracker首席执行官Anthony Hobley表示:“商业史上充斥着未能看到转型的现任公司(主导公司)的例子。

“化石燃料的在职人员似乎浪费资本试图通过做他们一直做稳守增长的意图。 。 。 我们的报告提供了这些公司都警告,避免显著的价值破坏的策略“。

报告指出:“煤炭行业扩张的道路已经结束”,而在石油方面则得出结论:“在450情景中,石油需求在2020附近飙升。 这意味着石油部门不需要继续增长,这与许多公司的叙述不一致。

In a 2?C world, gas growth will be “at a lower level than expected under a business as usual scenario”.


Carbon Tracker的分析假设 碳捕获和储存 (CCS)将删除CO的24Gt2 by 2035, but says this would require a huge expansion of CCS ? a technology that remains unproven at a commercial scale, and which many scientists doubt will work soon enough.


警告从法律意见茎 由一位知名律师表示, 克里斯托弗·麦考尔QC.


英格兰和威尔士的慈善机构收入总额接近70 bn(美元106 bn),法律意见被提交给监管它们的机构, 慈善委员会 - 气候新闻网络


Alex Kirby是英国记者亚历克斯·柯比 是一家专业从事环境问题的英国记者。 他曾在各种身份在 英国广播公司 (BBC)近几年20离开了BBC在1998作为自由撰稿人的工作。 他还提供 媒体技能 对企业进行培训
