图片由 Sasin Tipchai

InnerSelf 的每日灵感

2024 年 7 月 2 日


I choose to find, and be, joy in the midst of the struggle.

今天的灵感来自于 香鱼苏特里亚萨:

Finding joy in the struggle requires us to look, hear, feel, and receive deeply—to notice those blue-sky moments that are hidden among the clouds. To hold on to them, and let them be a salve of comfort and respite as we struggle to fill the void left by the loss of loved ones, of work, school, our connections with family and friends, our daily routines, our communities, and even life as we once knew it.

It also requires us to be sources of comfort and joy for each other. That is why I commit to a daily practice of spreading joy by posting photos of silly selfies, sunsets, or local street art on social media every day.

Embracing joy in the struggle as part of our everyday lives can expand our ability to heal ourselves and our communities, be more kind, empathetic, loving, and genuinely human. What can you do to find some blue sky—or be some blue sky—every day? If these small gestures provide just a moment of respite in our day, we can glimpse not only struggle, but joy in the struggle.

今天的灵感来源于 InnerSelf.com 的文章:
     Written by Ayu Sutriasa.

我是 Marie T. Russell,InnerSelf.com 的联合出版商, wishing you a day of finding, and being, joy (today and every day)

Smiling to a tired store worker and sharing a kind word can make a huge difference. Sharing our love and our kindness with others is a healing balm on their soul and their lives. Let's be a shining beacon of joy and love for others to see, to feel, and perhaps to emulate. Let your inner child's innocence and pure joy and love radiate out into the world. 

我们今天的重点: I choose to find, and be, joy in the midst of the struggle.

在此订阅 到 j加入我的下一期“InnerSelf 的每日灵感”。

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相关书籍: 光彩人生计划


本书多弗:凯特·金 (Kate King) 的《光辉生活计划》(The Radiant Life Project)。这是一本针对自我治疗爱好者的开创性指南,通过结合科学、创造力、心理学和富有洞察力的个人成长工具,教授一种新颖的治疗方法,以实现有意义的生活。

我们社会的普遍问题正是这样:我们并不像看上去的那么好。 我们社区的创伤、身体和精神疾病以及虚无的价值体系处于历史最高水平。 此外,普遍存在的社会正义失衡、边缘化社区的不平等以及令人痛苦的政治动态等问题清楚地表明了对集体变革和转型的大规模渴望。 社会正在觉醒,面对一个新的现实,不再有以前限制我们潜力的束缚和麻木。 本书是支持人类不断提升的需求的及时资源。

光彩人生计划 满足了对大规模修复的渴望,旨在通过首先在每个人内心培养根本的福祉来修复世界。 本书教授了一种新颖且易于理解的自我治疗方法,以深切的同情心、熟练的专业知识和精致的策略来有意识地改善身心健康。

欲了解更多信息和/或订购这本精装书,请单击此处 也可作为Kindle版本使用。

About the Author of today's inspiration

Kevin Kahakula'akea John Fong 是一位全国公认和受人尊敬的文化翻译家、促进者、培训师和变革正义、领导力发展和组织设计方面的演讲者。 凯文在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的亚洲健康服务中心创立并领导了临床 HIV 项目和青少年诊所。 近年来,他被要求促进全国各地的社区康复圈。 凯文在 YES! 的董事会任职! 1999 年至 2007 年的杂志。Kevin 毕业于加州大学,与他的丈夫和他们的两个儿子住在 Ohlone 人的传统土地(旧金山)。 他可以在 https://www.elementalpartners.net/