Why We Need The Opposite Of A Carbon Tax To Reduce Emissions
EPA /戴夫·亨特

For the last few decades, the consensus among leading economists has been that putting a price on carbon is the most efficient way to reduce emissions.在过去的几十年中,领先经济学家的共识是,对碳定价是减少排放的最有效方法。 The idea behind it is simple.其背后的想法很简单。 If we make activities that emit carbon – such as driving a car, consuming electricity or flying – more expensive, people will do these things less often.如果我们开展排放碳的活动(例如开车,消耗电力或飞行)更加昂贵,那么人们做这些事情的频率就会降低。

尽管表面上看似简单,但在过去十年中取得了碳税成就 给人留下深刻印象。 According to the World Bank, 61 carbon pricing initiatives target根据世界银行的数据,有XNUMX项碳定价计划的目标是 世界碳排放量的22%。 These have这些有 在某些国家运作良好例如英国,自2013年以来价格上涨促使电力公司抛弃煤炭,加拿大则对石油,煤炭和天然气征收全国性税,起征点为每排放一吨二氧化碳15美元(12英镑)。

China, the world's largest polluter, has struggled to set up an emissions trading system since 2017 that would put a price on a third of the country's emissions, and allow the most polluting enterprises to buy carbon credits from greener companies.自2020年以来,中国是世界上最大的污染国,一直在努力建立排放权交易系统,该制度将为该国三分之一的排放量定价,并允许污染最严重的企业向绿色企业购买碳信用额度。 But experts fear the XNUMX pandemic will但专家担心XNUMX年大流行会 推迟这些努力 更进一步。



法国的 背心jaunes抗议 in 2018 and 2019 erupted after a domestic excise tax on energy products caused an increase in fuel prices.在对能源产品征收国内消费税导致燃料价格上涨之后,XNUMX年和XNUMX年爆发。 The unrest transformed into a broader movement against economic inequality in France.骚乱变成了反对法国经济不平等的广泛运动。

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Why We Need The Opposite Of A Carbon Tax To Reduce Emissions 如果实施不当,碳税会破坏民众对气候变化行动的支持。 Ricochet64 /快门

曾有类似的抗议活动反对燃料价格上涨。 墨西哥, 伊拉克, 厄瓜多尔, 巴西智利。 Beyond public protests, carbon taxes have raised organised political opposition in除了公开抗议,碳税还引发了有组织的政治反对派。 加拿大是, US澳大利亚,即使现有税费仍然太低,而且所涵盖的行业也太小。

In its 2019 report, the IMF calculated that the average carbon price stands at US$2 per ton of carbon dioxide.国际货币基金组织在其XNUMX年报告中计算出平均碳价为每吨二氧化碳XNUMX美元。 But the requisite price for reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement would mean但是根据《巴黎协定》减少排放所需的价格将意味着 40–80美元的承诺.

One of the reasons ordinary people tend to resist carbon pricing is because it's seen as unfair.普通人倾向于抵制碳定价的原因之一是因为它被认为是不公平的。 This is particularly true when it's applied as a direct tax on a commonly used commodity, such as fuel or electricity.当将其用作对常用商品(例如燃料或电力)的直接税时,尤其如此。 This leads to an economy-wide price increase that burdens all of society indiscriminately.这导致整个经济范围内的价格上涨,不加选择地给整个社会造成负担。 Since many people can't afford to shoulder even a slight increase in their cost of living, the economic burden falls disproportionately on the poor and most vulnerable.由于许多人承受不起生活费用的微小增加,因此经济负担不成比例地落在了穷人和最脆弱者身上。 These communities tend to have the这些社区倾向于 最低的碳足迹 无论如何,因此给人的印象是最贫穷的人会通过碳定价受到不公平的惩罚。

决策者试图通过使用碳税筹集的收入来解决这些问题。 补贴绿色基础设施,例如风​​电场。 Another plan is to offer tax rebates or direct benefits to poorer people,另一个计划是向穷人提供退税或直接收益, 就像加拿大的立法者一样。 But these ideas have often been criticised for overestimating how fairly local institutions can redistribute wealth while underestimating the costs of implementing carbon taxes.但是,这些想法经常因高估本地机构如何合理分配财富而又低估了实施碳税的成本而受到批评。



Once each unit of carbon emissions has an appropriate economic value, this could be subtracted from the costs of carbon-reducing technologies.一旦每个单位的碳排放量都有适当的经济价值,就可以从减碳技术的成本中扣除。 Prices linked to fossil fuels would remain constant while alternatives would get cheaper.与化石燃料有关的价格将保持不变,而替代品将变得更便宜。 The cost of driving a conventional car wouldn't change, but buying and driving an electric vehicle would become cheaper.驾驶传统汽车的成本不会改变,但是购买和驾驶电动汽车会变得更便宜。 Household electricity tariffs would stay the same, but electricity from solar rooftop panels would drop in price.家用电价将保持不变,但太阳能屋顶面板的电价将下降。

Why We Need The Opposite Of A Carbon Tax To Reduce Emissions 减碳激励措施(CRI)可以鼓励向更清洁,更实惠的技术进行有机过渡。 高清/无飞溅科学, CC BY

The main advantage of this carbon reduction incentive, as I call it, is that instead of an economy-wide price increase, which would inevitably result in hardship for some, cleaner technologies would be supported according to their respective capacities to reduce and replace carbon emissions.正如我所说,这种减碳激励措施的主要优势在于,与其在整个经济范围内提价,不免会给某些人带来困难,但将根据其各自减少和替代碳排放的能力来支持更清洁的技术。 。 The high upfront costs of cleaner technologies, such as electric vehicles, currently make them inaccessible to large sections of the population.目前,清洁技术(如电动汽车)的高昂前期成本使其无法为大部分人所用。

One way of funding this could be an income tax applied to the more affluent sections of the population.一种筹集资金的方式可能是对人群中较富裕的部分征收所得税。 This taxed base could be slowly widened over time to increase revenue in the future.随着时间的推移,此征税基数可能会逐渐扩大,以增加收入。 This would hold the biggest beneficiaries of carbon emissions accountable and help subsidise a just transition from fossil fuels among the people who can least afford to make the switch.这将使碳排放的最大受益者承担责任,并帮助补贴那些最无力承担这一负担的人从化石燃料的公正过渡。

The approach may make more sense in countries where inequality is more pronounced, and the use of subsidised fossil fuels is more prevalent.在不平等现象更加严重,补贴化石燃料的使用更加普遍的国家,这种方法可能更有意义。 Like any other climate policy, it must be part of a broader mix that reduces demand for carbon-intensive consumption while phasing in green alternatives.像其他任何气候政策一样,它必须成为更广泛的混合政策的一部分,这种混合可以减少对碳密集型消费的需求,同时逐步采用绿色替代方案。

Before any kind of carbon pricing can be effective, governments must change the way it is perceived among the public.在任何一种碳定价有效之前,政府必须改变公众对碳定价的看法。 A carbon reduction incentive could neutralise the current opposition while reducing carbon-intensive activities in a much more targeted and fair way.减碳激励措施可以消除当前的反对意见,同时以更有针对性和更公平的方式减少碳密集型活动。


Sumedha Basu,可持续发展博士候选人, 华威大学

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9780143130444面对广泛的恐惧和冷漠,一个由研究人员,专业人士和科学家组成的国际联盟聚集在一起,为气候变化提供一套切合实际的大胆解决方案。 这里描述了100种技术和实践 - 一些是众所周知的; 一些你可能从未听说过的。 它们包括清洁能源,教育低收入国家的女孩,以及将碳排出空气的土地使用做法。 存在的解决方案在经济上是可行的,并且全世界的社区目前正在以技巧和决心制定它们。 适用于亚马逊


Hal Harvey,Robbie Orvis,Jeffrey Rissman
1610919564鉴于气候变化已经对我们造成影响,减少全球温室气体排放量的迫切需要。 这是一个艰巨的挑战,但是当今存在应对挑战的技术和策略。 精心设计和实施的少量能源政策可以使我们迈向低碳未来。 能源系统庞大而复杂,因此能源政策必须重点突出且具有成本效益。 千篇一律的方法根本无法完成工作。 政策制定者需要一个清晰,全面的资源,概述对我们的气候未来影响最大的能源政策,并描述如何精心设计这些政策。 适用于亚马逊


作者:Naomi Klein
1451697392In 这改变一切 Naomi Klein认为,气候变化不仅仅是税收和医疗保健之间的另一个问题。 这是一个警报,要求我们修复一个已经在很多方面让我们失望的经济体系。 Klein一丝不苟地建立了大规模减少温室气体排放的案例,这是我们同时减少差距不平等的最佳机会,重新想象我们破碎的民主国家,并重建我们的内部经济。 她揭露了气候变化否认者的意识形态绝望,潜在地球工程师的弥赛亚妄想,以及太多主流绿色倡议的悲剧性失败。 她准确地说明了为什么市场没有 - 也不能 - 解决气候危机,反而会使事情变得更糟,更加极端和生态破坏性的提取方法,伴随着猖獗的灾难资本主义。 适用于亚马逊

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